To Be Or Not To Be

Mudah-mudahan Segalanya Berjalan Dengan Baik.
Ada Hikmah Di Sebalik Setiap Kejadian.
Bukan Semua Yang Kita Inginkan Itu
Yang TERBAEK Untuk kita,
Maha Pencipta Dah Tentukan Wuts Good and Wuts not 4 Us.


Amek iktibar =.=

Ignorant One : the man who thinks he knows it but in reality what he knows is not 'it'. In Arabic/Malay - this is a 'Jahil' person. Please differentiate between this man and a naturally stupid person (born with low IQ). The Jahil could be a PhD holder or a so-called 'Intellectual' or a 'Cendikiawan'...even worse could even be a so-called 'Ustaz'

Quoted from Abu Umar Al-Maliki


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