Madad Madad Ya Rasulullah

ullul qulub

Qullul qulubi 
ilal habibi tamilu

wa ma'ibi zalika shaahidun,
shaahidun wa dalilu

ammad dalilu iza zakhartu

sarath dumu'ul ashikin

Haza Rasulullah,
Haza Rasulullah,
Haza li Rabbil-alamina khalilu

al-Madad, al-Madad, al-Madad
al-Madad! Ya Rasul Allah!
al-Madad, al-Madad, al-Madad
al-Madad! Ya Habib Allah!

Rabbi wa j'al moujtama'na,
ghayatouh housnou al khitam
Wa akrimi alarwaha mina,
bilka khayri alanam

al-Madad, al-Madad
al-Madad Ya Rasul Allah!
al-Madad, al-Madad
al-Madad! Ya Habib Allah!

Rabbi inna kad da'awna, 
i'atina ma kad rajawna
Hab lana fi dini 'awna, 
bis swalat 'ala Muhammad

al-Madad, al-Madad 
al-Madad Ya Rasul Allah!
al-Madad, al-Madad
al-Madad! Ya Habib Allah!

Sidi Sahiba al-hadra
'akrima minka bi nazra
Sidi ya aba az-Zahra
wa al-Qasim wa 'Abdi-Llah

Sidi Anta al-habib 
bi zikrik qalbi yatib

Sidi hasha yakhib 
man laza bi Rasul'Llah

Madad, Madad, Madad
Madad! Ya Rasul Allah!
Madad, Madad, Madad
Madad! Ya Habib Allah!

Sidi Anta al-Mukhtar 
bi-majik tujla l-qadar
Sidi ajirna min 'n-nar 
bi jahik ya Rasul Allah 

Ya Rabbi bi im (?)
wa li alihi 
ash shilbin nasri wa bil farazhi

Warhami ya Akrama
man Rahima
abadan an thabika
lam ya uji

Wakahtim amalik
bi khawa timia
li akuna khatan
fil hashri najhi (?)

Ya Rabbi bi im (?)
wa li alihi 
ash shilbin nasri wa bil farazhi

la kinni bi shudika
faqadal bi ma atihi
ya hujazi (?)

Wa iza bika
dafal amru fakhu
asmatu tal fariji (?)

Ya Rabbi bi im (?)
wa li alihi 
ash shilbin nasri wa bil farazhi
Every heart

Every heart melts
in the rapture of the beloved

And for that love I have a witness,
a witness and a proof:

Regarding that proof, if I mention
the name of Muhammad

the eyes of the lovers
will be overrun with tears

He is the Messenger of  God
He is the Messenger of  God
He is the Chosen One,
He is, to the Lord, a most trusted friend

Aid us, Help us
Support us oh God's Messenger!
Aid us, Help us
Support us oh Most Beloved of God!

Oh Lord, grant our gathering
a joyous purpose and conclusion
and bless all souls among us
to meet the Pearl of Your Creation

Aid us, Help us
Assist us oh Messenger of God!
Aid us, Help us
Support us oh Most Beloved of God!

Oh our Lord, we're calling upon You
and we seek that which pleases You
Grant us for our journey Your aid
by the blessings upon Muhammad

Aid us, Help us
Assist us Oh Messenger of God!
Aid us, Help us
Support us oh Most Beloved of God!

Oh, Treasured friend of the Divine,
Honor us by looking once upon us!
Our Master, father of  Fatima Zahra!
and Qasim and Abd-Allah!

Our Master, you are the Beloved,
with your remembrance my Heart is healed!

Oh my Master! One who takes refuge
will never lose with the Messenger of God!

Aid us, Help us
Assist us Oh Messenger of God!
Aid us, Help us
Support us oh Most Beloved of God!

Oh Master, you are the Chosen one
in praising you our destinies become clear.
Oh Master, save us from the fire,
for your sake, Oh God's Messenger.

Oh Lord, we ask You
by the beloved and his family,
grant us a speedy victory and spiritual openings!

Oh Most Merciful One
Who is generous with His mercy,
a poor servant at Your Door
will never be refused!

And make my life's deeds
to be of virtuous result
so on that Day I come before You
my soul may be in peace!

Oh Lord, we ask You
by the beloved and his family,
grant us a speedy victory and spiritual openings!

Therefore by Your grace
grant me forgiveness
and bestow upon me that
for which You know I'm in dire need!

Oh friends, if you ever feel hopeless
in your life's situation
say, "with every burden
comes a divine opening!"

Oh Lord, we ask You
by the beloved and his family,
grant us a speedy victory and spiritual openings!

Allahumma Solli Ala Saidina Muhammad S.A.W


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