Paranoia continues

Salam Ramadhan,

i found a well based blog.


to Muslim,

stop being such a paranoid,
why must comparing?so that u'll look down to yourself?and worst is, affects others too? (the readers)
why oh why?

a small little piece of reminder,
Strengthen your Iman, Be A Muslim based on Al-Quran and As-Sunnah,
insyaAllah,things will turn out to be much better.
this small piece of 'games' should be put aside.


The Truth

Salam Ramadhan.
its 11th day in the fasting month, Ramadhan of Muslim calendar.
and i want to share this, just to make Us do some thinking,
a small thought should be enough,
Why cant the Green and The Blue be together,
marching along in the name of Muslim brothers,

democracy anyway.

here a short story for u readers, do enjoy!
sorry, i only have the Malay version :)

Lalat hijau dan lalat biru berterbangan khayal asyik dengan bau tahi yang baru keluar bontot Encik JugwamaJug. Penyokong lalat hijau kata mesti ada pertembungan. Haq dgn Batil. Tapi dia tak sedar dia lalat. Resamnya memang cari tahi..Kalau bagi minyak wangi, larilah dia. Lalat biru pun….lalat juga. Kesiannya…anak-anak lalat yang tak tahu bapak2 mereka tu lalat…penggemar tahi. Khususnya tahi Encik JugwamaJug.

Click here.Don't Hesitate to click It!

Jangan Malu Malu Nak Click! tq!
