Tholama Asyku - Part II

Tholama asyku ghoromi yaa nurol wujud
wa unadi ya tihaami yaa ma’dinal juud
For so long I have complained of my loneliness
Oh light of existence, light of Allah…
I mention, I call you, oh, Noble Mecca,
Source of excellence and sublimity…
Mun-yati aqshol maromi ahzho bissyuhud
wa aro baabas salami yaa azkal judud
My ultimate expectation and goal is the meeting with you,
It is the crown of my success…
I have seen the Port of Safety,
Oh, he whose essence is purity….
Ya sirajal kauni inni aashiq muntaham
Mughramun wal Madhu fannii Ya Badrat Tamaam
Oh, Light of creations…
verily my longing for you has mountained…
My longing and poem becomes my art
Oh, Perfect Full Moon…
Ishrifil’aroodho’ anni adhnaanis saqom
fiika qod ahsantu zhonni yaa saamil’uhud
Remove the bothersome veil so that I may see you,
I have a strong expectation of your promise of safety
Oh, one who is firm in his promises,…
Yaa sirojal anbiyaa-i yaa’alil janaab.
yaa imaamal atqiyaa-i inna qolbi dzaab
Oh, light of the prophets, Oh, summit of purity,
Leader of the people of Taqwa, My heart is one with you…
Wa’alaikallahu sholla rabbi dzuljalal….
Yakfi yaa nurol ahillah inna hajri thool…
For you may there be the salutations of Allah,…
My Lord is indeed the Master of Every Perfection…
It’s enough for me, Oh, light of Allah,
To journey towards you, surely the separation is long…
Sayyidi wal’umru walla jud bil washli jud
My master, all my life you are my beloved,
Hasten my meeting with you…

Salawat to Muhammad  SAW. 

Tholama asyku - Part I

طالما اشكو غرامى يا نور الوجود

وانادى يا تهامى يا معدن الجود

Lama sudah aku menanggung rindu;
Wahai cahaya alam yang indah !
Serta aku menyeru, Wahai Nabi !
Wahai punca ilmu yang pemurah !


منيتى اقصى مرامى احظى بالشهود

وارى باب السلام يا زاكى الجدود

Impianku setinggi-tinggi cita-cita;
Moga diberikan tuah dapat melihatmu;
Juga melihat Bab al Salam (di Masjid Nabawi);
Wahai sesuci-suci insan!


يا طراز الكون انى عاشق مستهام

مغرم والمدح فنى يا بدر التمام

Wahai hiasan dunia ini!
Aku amat cinta dan rindu padamu;
Hanya pujian menjadi persembahanku;
Wahai bulan mengambang penuh!


اصرف اعراضا عنّي اصناني الغرام

فيك قد احسنت ظنّي يا سامى العهود

Jauhkanlah segala penghalangku daripadamu;
Yang kupendam hanya kerinduan terhadapmu;
Padamu aku bersangka baik;
Wahai yang benar pada janjinya!


يا سراج الأنبياء يا عالي الجناب

يا إمام الأتقياء إن قلبي زاب

Wahai pelita sekalian Rasul!
Wahai insan yang mempunyai setinggi-tinggi kedudukan!
Wahai Imam orang-orang yang bertaqwa!
Sesungguhnya hatiku terpaut padamu.


وعليك الله صلى ربى ذو الجلال

يكفى يا نور الاهلة ان هجرى طال

Ke atasmu, moga Allah mencurahkan rahmat;
Tuhanku Yang Mempunyai Keagungan;
Cukuplah, wahai Cahaya Bulan!;
Sesungguhnya perpisahanku denganmu telah terlalu lama.


اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم

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