Islamic Kingdom

Selepas s.a.w. wafat Abu Bakar r.a. ambil alih. Kamudian Abu Bakar ra suruh Umar ra ganti. Kemudian Umar ra bagi beberapa pilihan gantinya.

Kamudian Ali dan Muawiah setuju Abu Musa Ashaari pilih antara dua.Dari dulu sampai Othmaniyyah itu caranya.

Orang awam tarak terlibat apa lagi orang kafir!

itu dinamakan Nomokrasi! siapa punya idea DEMOKRASI? Sendiriiii mau hengatttt!

Sejarah sikit.....

Institusi kerajaan yang ditubuhkan oleh
a) Khalipoh Rashidung contohnya, Abu Bakar, Umar, Usman dan Ali r.a.
b)Bani Ummayyoh
c) Bani Abasioh dan
d) Khalipoh Osmaniah.

Model kepada para kalifah di atah yelah Madinoh al Munawwaroh. Daripada Madinah nilah timbulnya cabang-cabang kerajaan sepeti khalipoh, waziroh, penghakimang, baitul ma, hisba (pengtadbirang kote), penempeang dino dirhang, suq (ppaso), auqoh, asnah (kumpulang nege), syute (poleh)dang jaish (asko).

and then.....

A letter from a teacher to his student,

"Ah din, the contemporary Islamic state is a modern concept. The Muslim politicians today orreddy kena berak one because this so-called modern Islamic states represent European model developed in 16th t0 20th century. They got blur and don't understand that the modern state's concept of 'state' never existed before 16th century. Those bodoh modenists Muslim reformers tried to modernize the ummah by blending the syariah with Western techniques and institutions. (The latest is the bo pien effort to buy non-Muslim vote by offering a vice president position to non-Muslim). Turns out this so called bo gay 'Islamic state' establish so many institutions (like Islamic bank, Islamic this and Islamic that) that go against the Quran and Sunnah.Wallahu a'lam ma."


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